Abaixo-Assinado (#28833):

Petition against Bullying and Prejudice done by Mr. Jose Amaral International Education Academic/ I2 Intercambios

Destinatário: Mrs. Celine McGuinness

The Brazilian community hereby to show all of our dissatisfaction and repudiation towards Mr. Jose Amaral, who works, in Dublin, for International Education Academy and I2 Intercambios, bringing students - mainly from Brazil - to Ireland.
This gentleman has been sending e-mails with serious threats to students dissatisfied with his services. This gentleman refuses to give receipts for services, thus generating distrust toward the amounts charged by him. This gentleman is recording videos weekly, from his workplace, mostly with words of bullying and prejudice, against Brazilians (who he accuses Brazilians of stealing things in pubs and night clubs); Africans (who he claims are drunk and former inmates), bullying overweight people, and doing every sort of accusations (as you can see in the video, with subtitles, attached).

The purpose of this petition is to let everybody know that we do not accept the way this gentleman is treating people. We ask the school International Education Academy to take measures about this actions, as the Brazilian community feel threatened and frightened by this gentleman and students, or non-students, can not be treated like this.

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