Abaixo-Assinado (#29586):

Development of the unique System of health - SUS

Destinatário: Câmara dos Deputados

Honourable Deputies and Senators
Dear Sirs,

The undersigned, identified below, come to the presence of Excellencies, expore require the following:
Our goal is to develop the unified health system through a reform in the structure of the NHS, making it more effective and allowing for aplicapilidade in order to supply the needs of the population. This reform is based on three points mentioned below:

Every city of each state that have more than one thousand citiziens must have one Health Center per that one thousand.
The States have to divide their own territory in groups of (nearly) ten thousands citiziens, that each group must have a UPA ( First Emergency Unity ), and in these UPAs structures will treat emergencial cases ( without risk of death ). These UPAs must to be equiped with 20 Emergencials Beds ( 2 for Intensive Cares and 18 for simple and medium cases ).
The States will be divided in regions, and each of these regions will have a Big Hospital to recieve the most complicated cases, and reseach about diseases and treat sick people.
In Each month all Healthcare Institutions must to forecast what they need for the next month, and each structure have to had a Safe Money of ten thousand reais, ( nearly $ 5000,00 )to use in emergencial situations, and the places and services to buy/order will be estipulated by States Secretaries.
Metropolis’ Hospitals of each state have to stay actualized with the new tecnologies of Medicine Mechanics and Methods, and for it, in each season ( 3-4 mounths) hospitals and clinics will recieve new equipaments and trainings.
If a treatment for a new disease will be discovered, the plan for the treatment have to be place in the higher place, and the Waiting Time must to be decreased maximum as possible.
The Government must reserve 12% of GDP of the Last Year with the Institutions of Health and safe 50 Hospital Beds for 10.000 people.
Doctor don't see high perspectives working with The State, because they don't have structure and enough salaries.

Health Institutions don't have enough medicals and the actual System of Health need more equality and improvement in terms of development.

Control of Doctor's Work and Treatment Quality. Each 4 hours (with 15 minutes of tolerance), each medic, nurse or worker have to use a Digital System to prove they are in the hospital and working.
After the treatment, the patient give a feedback of the treatment and if the doctor or the sector have bad grades or/and feedback the whole structure will pass for a Recycling Course to improve the Medical Treatment. Preparatory course in each year to develop knowledge of new treatments, machines and others stuffs related to Medicine and relaters.
Create a plan to know the necessity of Medics before them go to resting. And each Hospital have to had nearly twenty doctors for each ten thousand citizens (expectation for a Medium/Big Public Hospitals ). Five years before a medic go to resting, the govern create a contest to replace someone in his place, of course, this person have to had the enough Specific Knowledge about Medicine or relaters. Medics, nurses and workers of hospitals have prices when them work right and have great grades with the Digital System, this motivates hospitals and doctors always working well.
Try to equalize the distribution of medics for each country according for each necessity.

Problems and failures in the communication of SUS (Unique System of Health)
The current system has presented ineffective communication among the health institutions.
The smaller institutions have no structure to treat complicated cases, so these institutions send the patients who need of complex treatment to big hospitals located in the metropolis. The problem is that the institutions don’t send, with the patient, the necessary money to treat his case and this turns the hospitals crowded of people to treat but without money to treat all of them because the money destined is just for foreseen patients and these patients who are sent without the necessary notification don’t enter in this statistics.

How to solve the problem?

An organization inside the Secretary of Health have to be created to control and mediate the communication between these different public institutions of treatment and hospitals.
If a small institution send a patient to a hospital without a previous notification, the State will have to pay the price of the treatment plus a fine, interest and monetary correction. Besides it, all the transactions and transfers must pass by this organization.

Our goal is that this planning be executed until 2030.

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