Abaixo-Assinado (#35145):

Localization to US of Tales of Vesperia PS3 Game

Destinatário: Namco Bandai

I, like most of the ocidental RPG players, sure like the JRPG franchise "Tales of", so I came here to ask for the localization of the game "Tales of Vesperia" for us the ocidentals players, all of we know that this demmands time and money but the translation already exist for the most part of the game (XBOX 360 version) if you dont want to spent money making the blue ray or dvd, please do only the digital version and put on all ocidental webstores, I think I speak for all the JRPG players on ocident, when I say that everybody whants and could have the rights to play that game, because its an grand master piece, but not only that, we feel like you are putting us aside not letting us have the fun and the emotions to play games like that.
So please if you could do that we would be really grateful.

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