Abaixo-Assinado (#40626):

responsible pornography

Destinatário: Conselho de Direitos Humanos das Nações Unidas

In this way I would like to ask this institution to regulate the age to enter the pornographic industry, I have been observing with concern that adolescents worldwide already at 18 years of age enter this industry mainly in the developed countries, being the most beloved ones and that impel the others of the same age to enter, by psychological immaturity, however, made a series of analyzes, although not a psychologist, but a university student and yet observer of what happens around the world, came the weight in the conscience, noting that 18-year-olds are not prepared either psychologically, materially or emotionally to deny cash offers to make pornographic films, this leads to the most vulnerable accept these offers and influence society to accept this sad reality that is accelerated by more mature men in this industry, given that they are lost dreams, career s broken at the beginning, families disillusioned, therefore, the majority begins still under guardianship of their parents and that later because of the weight of conscience others become delinquents, commit suicide or other non-abonatory situations.
In view of gender and culture at the level of the world, I would like to ask this institution, through a resolution, to be decided by the signatory countries that the age to enter the pornographic industry for the countries that adopt this industry is 30 taking into account that at this age we can consider the man of both sexes mature, prepared to face any decision at his own cost.
I want to believe that this decision, when accepted, could contribute to the reduction of prostitution in the pornographic industry, could help young adolescents' self-esteem later and have a conscious, ie responsible, pornographic industry.

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