Abaixo-Assinado (#48381):

pounds class in all schools

Destinatário: Pedro Fernandes

To the Sir- Pedro Fernandes
Secretary of Education of the State of Rio de Janeiro
I, the undersigned citizens of Brazil, residing in the city of rio de Janeiro, request from you the obligation to have pound lessons in all grades and schools in the state of rio de janeiro in order to promote the inclusion of deaf and dumb people and improve the quality not only of the deaf and dumb, but of the whole of society.
In the certainty of having our claim answered, we forward this document, signed by all citizens, in two copies to be filed in their office.
We nominate Ms. XXX, Phone 00-0000-0000, as our representative if further information is required.
Rio de Janeiro, November 4, 2019.
Name Identity Signature

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