Abaixo-Assinado (#5396):

Do you think that TribalWars Admins at World 10 where fair?

Destinatário: info@innogames.de

Several members of TRIBALWARS.PT think that an injustice is being commited, a sort of players are being punished for SUPPORT OF TRIBES.

This is the world's 10 TRIBALWARS of Portugal.

Concerned that expelling a player [trip@s] for taking points premium offered by another player, who had stolen the points. Without knowledge of the theft, the [trip@s] accepted the points! Who would not accept?!

So, we send a support request and demonstrate that we are all united against injustice. Support began to block and expel the leaders, after various members because they were against the injustice of the situation. The answers are almost automatic and expel or blocking players without saying why. Here we are warriors but we are also people who deserve respect!

We don't want to recover our positions, we don't want our accounts back. We want that this kind of situations never happen again. Because, injustiçe cannot happen! Our friends that could start playing tomorrow do not deserve this kind of treatment.

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