Abaixo-Assinado (#56383):

Download Whatsapp Plus Latest Version APK for free

Destinatário: app

WhatsApp Plus is a modified version of the famous messaging app WhatsApp, with many features and tweaks. The application's main advantage over regular WhatsApp is that it gives you the possibility to change the font size and style of your messages (Regular, Comic Sans, Courier).

The app also lets you add emoji stickers to your messages. It has a feature called "Quick Capture" that allows you to take photos or record videos using this button on the screen.

But the most unique feature offered by this app is obvious: The ability to use custom emoticons. Yes, emojis are nothing new to the smartphone world, but the fact that WhatsApp Plus enables you to use them means that certain individuals will find it more convenient than regular WhatsApp.

Whatsapp Plus runs on Android 4.4 or later and has a minimum user requirement of Androids 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean). This app is far from being a replacement for WhatsApp, but it can be very useful when you want to add more features and customization to your daily messaging habits.

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