Abaixo-Assinado (#57168):

3ª Letter to the Citizens of the World – Campaign for world cultural organization and strengthening of the UN

Destinatário: dmiceem@gmail.com

3ª Letter to the Citizens of the World – Campaign for world cultural organization and strengthening of the UN

Dear friends, citizens of the world – children, youth, adults and elders
You are being called to the composition and preparation of the cultural organization to:
a) Peace,
b) The establishment of a World Democratic State of Justice and Governance of the Earth national and international
c) And, the socio-family management of health.
The call comes from God (the faith and strength of the universe), from the universal nature of the Earth and from the body and mind of countless personalities of international relations among which I highlight these ten
1. The Cultural State of the Vatican/Holy See with Pope Francis' proposal to establish a Global Educational Pact, Francis' economy and care for the common home.
2. The «Document on Human Fraternity» launched jointly by Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar Ahmed Al-Tayyib,
3. The Global Movement for a Culture of Peace with the peace activism of Ambassador Anwarul Chowdhury, former Under-Secretary-General and former President of the UN Security Council,
4. The City Montessori School with its World Conference of Heads of Justice
5. The Fowpal with its artwork and dialogues about consciousness and peace
6. The International Network of Creative Educators with its Platform for Value Creation Principles
7. The Planetary Health Alliance. A network of people and organizations committed to understanding and addressing global environmental change and its health impacts, created in 2021 and the treaties on health identity and management linked to UN/WHO and cultural forces
8. The International Red Cross Movement with its studies and international awareness campaigns on the impacts of nuclear weapons.
9. The campaign for a State of World Governance with the opinions of people like Jawarharlat Nehru, former Prime Minister of India, Teilhard de Chardin, Western Christian thinker and Bertrand Russell, founder of the Pugwash movement (Canada) with Joseph Rotblat shortly after the publication of the Russell-Einstein Manifesto in 1955.
10. The Doomsday Clock and the "Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists" cited in the two previous letters, created by Albert Einstein and atomic scientists to, according to Kennette Benedict, former executive director of the Bulletin, alert "the public about how close we are to destroying our world with dangerous technologies of our own making. It's a metaphor, a reminder of the dangers we must address if we are to survive on the planet."

Considering this call and the matters that each one of them highlighted, I, Divino Roberto Veríssimo, speaking on behalf of the views presented by about 3 thousand children from 6 to 14 years old at the Child Brazil Conference in the Millennium, issued in official documents by the Senate Federal do Brasil on behalf of its senators... Speaking on behalf of the OPA as a promoter of world citizenship for children of this and future generations... I launch here and now a worldwide campaign for the cultural implementation of the tripod of the proposed world order created by the victorious governments of the first and second world wars throughout the League of Nations generation and of birth and development of the UN:
Make a difference in your life and in the future of the next generations, join our group on TELEGRAM https://t.me/+bKp7Mr4VstY4ZDlh and also sign the letter in https://www.abaixoassinado.org/abaixoassinados/57166

Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Convention on the Rights of the Child with their associated security treaties.
And, in this campaign, I issue the following appeal to the UN in the name of the implementation of citizenship, peace and world security by all these personalities mentioned above:
We, the members of this campaign, specifically requested this action for the UN:
The convening of the main cultural authorities of a religious, philosophical and scientific nature and of the main political and humanitarian defenders of peace - diplomats, educators and artists - for a first cycle of conferences on the cultural organization of world citizenship of the Earth on the tripod of world order defined and politically legitimized by the organization's member countries.

Our expectation as a citizen of the world is that the UN will be able to forward this petition to hold the first conference later this year at the Vatican Cultural State or at the al-Azhar Mosque in Cairo, Egypt... Or in a territory of its own choice.

The conference would put the possible effort of each member and their massive support for these actions:
1. Orderly application of the treaties on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and the prohibition of the use of nuclear weapons, starting with the commitment of no first use of nuclear weapons in the conflicts of the member countries of the nuclear club and maximum reduction of pre-existing warheads on the planetary territory
2. Adoption of Esperanto as a universal auxiliary language for the democratic cultural reorganization of the world linguistic lexicon focused on peace communication, peace dialogues and the extensive elimination of war communication, war games and competition (making the language of peace) .
3. To articulate the joint and sovereign cultural promotion of each civilizational structure of the peoples and nations of the planet in the socialization and human cultural education on the principles of citizenship, peace and common justice.
4. The Reordering the military expansion of nations into a national and international planetary military unit organized on the UN world order tripod
5. Linking the UN world order tripod to all of humanity's holy books.
6. The socio-family management of health and maximum reduction of the need for medical management of the disease – hospital, hotel and technical and drug assistance.

Because, ladies and gentlemen, children and adolescents... The transition from a culture of imposition, domination and war to a culture of encounter, conciliation, dialogue, alliance and peace as referred to by the former director general of UNESCO, Frederico Mayor Zaragoza , requires more than one body (as UNESCO itself), program, educational project or even a Global Day of Education for Peace – without discarding any of them.

It requires a global pact/alliance for socialization and human education on the UN world order tripod and the construction of the world civil and military cultural unity necessary for its balance and security - observing as the main subject of action the poor and rich women and children together and without exception.

Reminding everyone that socialization and education for peace is not a curricular issue, although it may involve some curricula. It is a global social issue about principles, rights and cultural unity.

To the citizens of the world I therefore ask your broad adherence to this campaign and this petition. Please, on behalf of your sons, daughters and future generations.

Just click on the link https://www.abaixoassinado.org/abaixoassinados/57166.
Also join our group on TELEGRAM https://t.me/+bKp7Mr4VstY4ZDlh
With love, peace and light

Divine Roberto Verissimo

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