Abaixo-Assinado (#58788):

Radio Erft Review

Destinatário: Radio Erft Review

Radio Erft is one of the more popular radio stations in the region. It offers a wide range of programs ranging from news to music. You can also get a free mobile app or listen online. In fact, you can listen to this station on your smart speaker such as an Amazon Echo. https://internetradiohoren.de/country/radio-erft/

Aside from being a top-notch radio station, Radio Erft has been around for a while. There are dozens of employees and some impressive corporate sponsors. This includes the NRW Mediathek, a multimedia portal that provides links to various local media outlets. One of the highlights is the snazzy-looking website.

The mobile app is a nice touch. The app has a livestream and push notifications, as well as a handful of local content you won't find on the main page.

While the Radio Erft is a solid choice for a daytime radio, it's the NRW Mediathek that comes to mind. The NRW Mediathek boasts a large corporate sponsor list and an easy sign-up process. With the free app, you can browse through various media outlets, a list of local events, and a phalanx of satellite transmitters.

Other impressive features include a phalanx of tweets and Facebook posts. They even have an interactive map of the region for those that want to see what's going on. Another gimmick is the fact that you can play the radio station's audio on your smartphone. Considering that you'll spend a considerable amount of time on the go, having an app that allows you to stream local content on the go can make your life a whole lot easier.

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