Abaixo-Assinado (#6366):

Readmitt SK8 Constantine.

Destinatário: support@secondlife.com

To: Linden Lab
SK8 Constantine has been banned by the Linden Lab the 15th of June of 2010 for beeing aledgingly a minor.

Sk8 Constantine is one of the most popular members of the sl brasilian community, creador of the CONSTRUTOR SK8 Constantine Group, the biggest group of portuguese language in SL, and state manager of the most significant SIM within the brasileian community.

The brasilian community in SL is shocked with the undecision to readmitt her by Linden Lab. The community needs her, knowing that she's far from beeing under aged. We ask nothing more than you to be fair on your decision. Readmitt SK8 Constantine.


The Undersigned

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