Abaixo-Assinado (#57370):
*Secondary Education ➡ Normal Secondary Education/Magisterial*.
❗Recognizing the importance of training for the performance of the professional in early childhood education❗
🔉In other words, recognizing ourselves as the *educators we are*. Not just educators like the janitor or the lunch lady or the teacher, but a professional who does direct support to the child in the school space.
- The position of ADI was created in 2005, by a Municipal Law. The required education was *Magistério*, but, 1 year later, the education was changed to high school.
- As a result, there are ADIs from diverse areas (many have never worked in education). But the attributions remained the same. In other words, we have a position with a LOT of responsibility, but *no recognition and appreciation*.
- YES. Playing, bathing, feeding, resting, playing in the park, etc. * ARE PEDAGOGIC ACTIVITIES YES*, and of LOTS OF RESPONSIBILITY, because they involve the HUMAN FORMATION of early childhood. It is necessary to plan all these moments and act with knowledge and ability, to know how to do it, focusing on the CHILD'S FULL DEVELOPMENT, in all its moments within the daycare.
- MAKING IT CLEAR: learning to wash yourself, to respect your neighbor, to hold a spoon, to try a new food, to talk and walk are SKILLS *as important in SCHOOL* as learning the first letter of your name or counting from 1 to 10.
- It is not only the ASSADIR that says this, but the great scholars and researchers of Education around the world, as well as several official documents from Brazil, such as the *Municipal Education Policy of Recife* and the national laws on Education.
- Many people think that the position of ADI is a babysitter for the children, when in fact it is a *CHILD TEACHER*.
- Assisting children and teachers involves MAKING DECISIONS. IT INVOLVES A LOT OF SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE. It takes professionals skilled in theory and practice, to intervene when the child needs it.
- Example: how to help the child overcome such a difficulty? How to talk to him? How to deal with aggressiveness? What does this child need in order to express himself better? What do I need to do to better understand him? What activities/playing games to propose at a certain moment of the routine? These are some among millions of situations that cannot be solved by improvisation. *Mistaken actions negatively influence children's lives forever.
- Everyone who does Education must not forget that daycare is a place of LEARNING, of DEVELOPMENT, not a deposit of children.
- To repeat: *Daycare is not a depository.
*Daycare is not a leisure club
*Daycare is not a shelter
*Daycare is not welfare
- Therefore, to work in a daycare, the professional must be qualified, must KNOW *How* and *What* to do to help the children develop in a way that respects the time and nature of each child.
- The NEED FOR SPECIFIC *TRAINING* for this function is determined in the Law of Directives and Bases of National Education, as well as in the Constitution itself.
For this reason, we seek the City Hall to correct this historic mistake, changing the education of the position of ADI to, at least, magistério/normal médio, in a similar way as it was done in *Rio de Janeiro* and in many other cities, such as *Jaboatão*, *Paulista* and
and *Sirinhaém*:
Jaboatão dos Guararapes
Auxiliar de Educação Infantil
*Normal High School, Teaching or Pedagogy
Auxiliar de Desenvolvimento Infantil (Child Development Assistant)
*Secondary School or School Teacher
Day Care Assistant
*Secondary or elementary school level
*Rio de Janeiro Agents' Achievement:*
- After 11 years, the City of Rio de Janeiro *granted the change of schooling to 5,000 early childhood education agents*. While in Recife, *we've been without pedagogical recognition for 13 years* with about 800 ADIs in the network.
🔊 There are ADIs who are responding to administrative proceedings for not accepting the change of function. We are being coerced to violate the rights of children, because we are not teachers. And we are still taking over classes in the absence of the teacher, either in the morning or in the afternoon!
❗Mayor, *recognize the ADI* and *place a teacher in the afternoon in all daycare centers*!
❗Children have the right to a QUALITY education, *no more procrastination*!
- Right to accumulate public office.
- Future salary adjustment, consistent with the new training.
- ADIs can claim special retirement.
- Time may be set aside for all ADIs who are already holding the position to seek the new training. The City Hall can provide the course itself.
- The next contests will require the prerequisite, increasing the qualification of the educators in the network.
- IMPORTANT: *ADI IS NOT A TEACHER*, they are different positions and functions, which must work together and directly with children for the same purpose: child development.
- ADIS, even if they have a degree in education, are not regular teachers. That is, after the Recognition, *we will not replace classes, nor substitute teachers, nor work on Saturdays.*
🔈Remembering that this change of schooling, can happen without problems, *as long as it doesn't change the nature of the position*. Changes have already been made in several places in Brazil and in Recife as well: *the position of Geraldo Júlio himself was changed!*
- It is important to emphasize that the work of ADI, even if undervalued, is *MOST IMPORTANT*, because we work with the education of human lives in their first steps.
- Early childhood is the basis of everything in a human being's life, as *diverse scientific researches* prove. Many are the researches and MEC documents that also prove the *need for training in education for assistants* in Early Childhood Education.
- Early Childhood Education is *not made of buildings*.
It's not enough just to have a good structure.
Educating *is not just the presence of the child in a room*.
Educating *isn't just ensuring good nutrition*.
All of this is important. But it's not enough for quality early childhood education.
- Quality early childhood education is done by people who *understand what they are doing, with activities that are rich for children's learning*.
- THE CLASS IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION BEGINS WHEN THE CHILD ENTERS THE DAY CARE CENTER AND ENDS WHEN THE CHILD LEAVES. *TEACHERS NEED TO BE FULL TIME, that's why we also fight to have afternoon teachers in daycare centers, putting an end to the deviation of functions that we suffer and the precariousness of public service.
- EDUCATING INVOLVES INTERACTING WITH THE CHILD AT ALL TIMES, and *working as a team*, planning, observing, focusing on the evaluation of the child in activity, executing the activities, and evaluating the projects. It is the role of the Teacher, together with the ADIs in the class. *All educators are important, and, as we already know, educating and caring are *inseparable*.
- In addition, we ADI's need to be *always* studying, having respected the continuing education for the position, and working in a way to offer a quality service to the children and the community.
🔊Pedagogical Recognition is a fight for *professional valuation* and a consequent Children's Education of *quality*!
Explanatory Note 1/2020 - Direction of ASSADIR
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