Abaixo-Assinado (#59329):

Help us demand improvement in the infrastructure of our street

Destinatário: Prefeitura

We, the residents of URBIS III housing complex (Rua do Catu), in Alagoinhas (BA), are facing a persistent problem: during rainy periods, we often see the only entrance that allows both access and exit from our neighborhood becoming flooded, obstructing the passage and making it impossible to transit through this area.
In light of this, we hereby petition the city hall and the Municipal Infrastructure Department (SECIN) to repair the water drainage channels at the entrance of our housing complex.
Upon the resolution of this issue, we hope to no longer have the inconvenience of having to wait for the water to drain every time there is a rainfall slightly more intense than usual, in order to enter or exit our street.
Please help us demand improvement in the infrastructure of our city from our government officials, for which, it is worth mentioning, we pay taxes expecting a return through their work.

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